Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Teacher's Pay...

Louisiana remains in the bottom five states for average teacher salary -- $37,116 in the 2002-03 school year, the latest data available. For comparison, AP reports that the Southern average was $40,847, and the national average was $45,891, according to statistics from the Southern Regional Education Board. The state would need about $250 million a year more to hit the Southern average.

Governor Kathleen Blanco said she wants to come up with a way to increase teacher salaries, and House Speaker Joe Salter is looking for sources of funding, and allows for the possibility of tax increases. You may remember that former Governor Foster took no salary from the state because he made it contingent on getting teacher pay to the Southern average, an objective that he could not accomplish. Let's do it this time!

One teacher's aide decided to take a pay raise into her own hands. She took fraudulent travel reimbursements as part of a kickback scheme that cheated the New Orleans public school system of more than $70,000. She pleaded guilty along with a former accountant who took kickbacks from the aide and others in exchange for doling out fake travel reimbursements and fraudulent stipend payments.

Would that an honest form of this degree of creativity and administrative skill were prevalent at higher levels.

What is your recommendation on teacher pay?


jbv's Competitive Edge 


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