Sunday, February 10, 2008

Of Monroe, Sleep, and SCORE ...

Recently we visited our son Matt in Monroe MI, which is just a bit north of Toledo OH. The four-hour drive from Cincinnati was rather effortless though we stretched it out a bit since Susan is only good for about an hour’s driving at a time.

Matt is very gainfully employed as a database administrator for a steel company. He enjoys the work considerably, and has achieved some recognition for his efforts.

The time spent with Matt was very enjoyable. We made a trip to a very nice mall in Toledo to purchase some items to bolster Matt’s professional wardrobe. Other than that we had lively conversations over dinner the three nights we were there.

Monroe’s restaurant scene left much to be desired, but we made the best of it. If you visit Monroe be sure to try the Michigan Bar and Grill. Be sure not to stay at the Del Rio on Elm Street.

Monroe is of some interest with an old town, a couple of museums and a statue of the town’s favorite son, General Custer. As I recall, he was not one of history’s great generals.

On another topic, I took a sleep test a couple of weeks ago which revealed that I have a mild case of sleep apnea. I get very little REM sleep, and wake up seven times an hour. In a follow-up test, with a mask and humidifier apparatus I slept much better.

I now have the apparatus, called a CPAP, at home. I must not have the hang of it because I seem to be sleeping less with it on than I was before.

In my other activities I have gotten a little busier than I intended to in retirement. My activities with SCORE, a business counseling agency, have become far more demanding than I expected. In addition I will be a speaker at an Internet Marketing seminar later this month and the preparation has been intense.


jbv's Competitive Edge 


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